
Showing posts with label Grow Lights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grow Lights. Show all posts

Friday, July 1, 2022

Growing cactus indoors under grow lights.

Top guide to growing cactus indoors under grow lights.

I am assuming you would like an article discussing the best methods for growing cactus indoors:

Cactus are a type of plant that is often associated with hot, dry climates. However, there are actually many different types of cactus that come from a variety of different habitats, including rain forests. While cactus are often thought of as being difficult to care for, they can actually be quite easy to grow, even for those with a black thumb. One of the best things about cactus is that they are very resilient and can tolerate a wide range of conditions, which makes them ideal for growing indoors.

Grow Cactus Indoors Under grow lights.jpg
Grow Cactus Indoors Under grow lights.
Do not overwater your cactus, which is easy to do indoors, as it will develop rot rot which is something that can kill a cactus quick.

There are a few things to keep in mind when growing cactus indoors. First, cactus need a lot of light. If you are growing your cactus under artificial lights, make sure to use a full-spectrum bulb that emits both UV and infrared light. Cactus also need good drainage, so make sure to plant them in a pot with a drainage hole. It is also important to let your cactus dry out completely between waterings. Over-watering is one of the most common mistakes made when growing cactus, so err on the side of too little water rather than too much.

Types of grow lights:
Led shop lights
CFL bulbs
Screw in grow lights
With a little bit of care, cactus can make a great addition to any indoor garden. They are interesting and unusual plants that are sure to add some character to your home.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Growing Medicinal and Magical Plants and Herbs Indoors Under Fluorescent Light. A Introduction to indoor gardening.


Growing Medicinal and Magical Plants and 
Herbs Indoors Under Fluorescent Lights. 
A general ntroduction to indoor gardening using 
fluorescent light bulbs for the modern shaman.
By Tiki Fire

You can grow almost anything with
fluorescent lights, you just need to know
to use them properly.

A Introduction and basic Overview.
Not everyone has the pleasure of growing plants
outside all year long. Many people only have a
few months and a limited choice of medicinal
and magical plants to grow. Growing indoors
opens one up to growing these special plants
all year long, with a almost unlimited choice
of types of plants to choose from.

If you plan using organic soil or hydroponics,
fluorescent lights can have a place in your
indoor garden.

• Plants
• Herbs
Sage, Garlic, etc.
• Cactus
San Pedro Cactus, Prickly Pear Cactus, etc.
• Succulents
• Flowers

In this article we will focus on three areas of using fluorescent
lights for growing medicianal and magical plants indoors:

1.  The different types of fluorescent lights and fixtures.
2. How to properly use fluorescent bulbs for growing plants.
3. The benefits of using fluorescent lighting to grow palnts.

 (Classic Tube Bulbs)
 (Classic Screw in Compact Bulbs)

Fluorescent lights have been used by the indoor grower since
they became popular in the 1960's and 70's. They have 
waxed and waned in there popularity as a grow light over the 
years, with changing technology and fades, but they have 
always been around and used by the  indoor grower in some 
stage of plant growth.  Today fluorescent lights are again 
growing in popularity due to lower prices and less energy 
usage as compared to a traditional light bulb. They are a 
great grow light for growing plants indoors.

Benefits of using Fluorescent lights
1. Low energy use. 67% less than regular bulb.
2. Inexpensive.
3. Great broad spectrum of light for plant growth.
4. Low heat.
5. Safer.
6. Long lasting. Can last 16 x longer.
7. Great for vegetative growth.

Negatives of using Fluorescent lights

1. Not so "Green" to make & dispose of.
2. Does not do well in cold temps.
3. Can start to "Flicker".
4. Takes a few seconds to fully warm up.
5. Must place lights close to plants for best results.

TYPES of Fluorescent Grow Lights & Fixtures
First, you must understand the different types of bulbs
available to the grower, and the strengths and weaknesses of 
each type of bulb.

There are two basic types of lights for use by the
indoor grower today, they are COMPACT FLUORESCENT
and TUBE FLUORESCENT light bulbs. We will provide
a good general overview of these bulbs.

This is the type of long tube bulb we see in use by
most schools and offices. They emit light over a
long area. They have been used the longest by
indoor gardeners.



This is the new popular "screw in" type bulb that is
quickly replacing regular light bulbs in homes.
There are two basic types of bulbs, they
differ in the sockets they use.

1. Normal Socket 
These grow bulbs screw into a standard
everyday light socket.
2. Industrial Socket
These grow bulbs screw into a special type of
fixture and socket and will not work in a
standard socket at all.
3. Plug In
Instead of screwing in, this one plugs into the socket.

Compared to a standard incandescent light bulb.
CFL = Incandescent (Regular)
10w 40w
13w-15w 60w
20w 75w
26w-29w 100w
38w-42w 150w
55w 250w -300w


Light output averages.
CFL = LUMENS (light values)
10w 800
13w-15w 900
20w 1,200
25w-29w 1,850
38w-42w 2,800
55w 3,600

Most plants need about 1,000 lumens of light
output per square foot for healthy growth.

Fluorescent lights must be placed very close
to the tops of your plants for healthy growth
because the light is not very intense.
1-3 inches away from plants is best.

(More Coming Soon!!!!!!!)
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